I'm convinced that computers are female.
This would explain why many men find themselves as engineers or developers in the high-tech industries. Men who work in IT must consider themselves highly competent and agile, in order to find solutions to computer glitches. This hypothesis extends to my life.
Let's take M for example. Someone at work once said "M is really great. Somehow he performs Jedi mind tricks on PCs and gets them to work." My response: "Good thing I'm not a PC." Famous last words. Not one week after saying that... I found myself flirting hard core and ending up in bed with him. Not the biggest mistake of my life. But there have been some ups and downs, as previously entered into this blog.
The PC inside of my female consciousness was throwing a few "fatal error" and "connection interrupted" messages at M. He reacted with frustration. Naturally. Somehow, he performed his rubber chicken show and magically we're still friends. Of course, all computers want to be used. Computers are supposed to be useful and an online store or application is always rated on how "user-friendly" it is.
Computers, like all things female, tend to throw temper tantrums now and again. Most of the time, we have good reason for it. Computers give users a virus warning, when really the computer is interpreting an unknown digital signature as a virus. It's all about communication. Computers have that "user-friendly" layer of language that the home PC buyer can understand. Meanwhile, something quite dangerous or fatal may be happening underneath that layer.
Sound like anyone you know? I thought so.
And yet, computers didn't create this on their own. No, the engineers and developers assigned this type of language to a computer's operating system. And these engineers are... male. The same males who pride themselves on being as updated and current on everything related to computers as they think they can be.
Get a typewriter!