Monday, September 08, 2008

Sidebar, your honor....

Here are a few things I've noticed about the world lately...

There's no such thing as a good customer. Even the ones who just buy your product and go about their business. Because you wish they loved your product so much that they obsessed about it. Of course, if they obsessed about it, eventually they'd find a way to hate its functionality. Because love and hate always go hand in hand, right? And of course, once they hate your product, they can't stop telling you how much it sucks and how they're never buying anything from you again! EVER! Meanwhile, you're the biggest kid on the block offering this type of product, so they unwittingly end up purchasing from you again. And the cycle continues.....

Learning to accept things is a contradictory process. Yes, I accept that the world is round. I accept that when it's hot, I wear less clothing. I accept that if a bird shits on me in Italy, I'm applauded. But where in the book of growing up, did it ever say that I have to accept personality quirks? Mine or otherwise. Shouldn't I be able to complain about these as loudly as I complain about the fact that it's too fucking hot outside, knowing full well that I'll accept it anyway?

Graciousness is lost on the new generation and certain foreign cultures. I'm gracious enough to wave people across an intersection because we stopped at the STOP sign simultaneously. Maybe it's not so much the lack of graciousness, but a lack of understanding graciousness. If I wave first, you follow my lead and accept my offer. Pedestrians should behave similarly. If I've stopped my tons-of-steel car in order to let you walk across the street - pick up your feet and do it! Because Lord knows, that tons-of-steel car would do some severe damage to your already weakened brain!

And last but not least....

Letting your friends know that they're awesome and that you adore them for who they are is the best way to feel good about yourself. No thinky explanation on that one because frankly, if that doesn't make sense as is...