Wednesday, October 22, 2008

She's Baaaaaaack!

After the long plane rides, feeding elephants, drinking water by the gallon, and eating my way through Thailand's gorgeous landscape - I'm back in San Francisco!

I do enjoy being back at home: Being able to eat bread in sandwich form, not feeling like I have to change my t-shirt twice a day due to the intense amount of sweat rolling down my back, understanding what's being said to me at the corner store.

But I already miss Thailand: Delicious exotic fruits for breakfast and dessert, the sound of the rain as it falls through thick forests of tropical tree canopies, the fact that I spent only $200 dollars during the whole two weeks (most of which was spent on Christmas gifts for other people).

It's a fantastic country, rich with culture and a heritage that still remains strong and proud with its people. It's a country that has never been invaded or overpowered/ruled by a foreign force. That's quite amazing in this day and age and considering that it's been a kingdom for hundreds of years. It truly is the Land of Smiles and I can't wait to go back....

I just hope the plane rides don't wear me out next time!