I haven't said much in a while. And that's because my health has taken a poor turn.
Most recently, I was in the ER because my toe infection that I thought I had taken care of pre-Thailand was not completely out of my system. Thinking logically, I put some triple antibiotic on the toe to help stop the oozing. Oops. I guess the neomycin in that didn't like my skin and broke out in a fierce rash, AKA contact dermatitis.
So, I got some lame steroid cream to help the rash, which didn't stop it at all. Dermatology today gave me something much stronger. And they took pics because they haven't seen an acute contact dermatitis like mine in a while and it's a university hospital - students in lab coats... Greaaaat.... The podiatrist injected me (very painfully) with an anesthetic and removed half of my big toenail. So, I'm on antibiotics for the toe.
Needless to say, I'm doped up without being on pain killers. Not sure how that works. Maybe I'm just really exhausted from all the doctor visits?
The one good thing that happened? (Besides actually getting this shit taken care of.) I thought of M. When he was injecting me with that needle, I imagined M hugging me. And when I went to the next doctor's office and had that needle image flash before me again (because all doctor's offices look the same really and those images just don't leave your head), I thought of M rubbing my back and smiling.
Halloween may have killed my foot, but M and I (as well as a handful of others) had a really awesome time. The hug that capped off Halloween was the one I thought of during all this hospital crap.
I'm not getting all dreamy and girly. I just appreciate the calming effect M's hugs have on me. Isn't it nice to have a friend who does that for you? Makes you feel more at ease.... And when my foot debacle is over, I'm gonna order him to look at my bare foot and declare it beautiful. :)