Monday, December 26, 2005

And as the fever dies down....

On our way back from the movies (go see The Family Stone and bring tissues), we saw people taking down their Christmas decorations already. It reminded me of those houses that have Christmas lights on them all year round.

Let's take a poll: How many of you grew up in houses like that?
How many of you at least know someone personally who has a house like that?

I'm torn. Sometimes I think having Christmas lights up year-round is kinda darling. Very i-don't-know-what.... translate into French for further comprehension.... Then again, I'm very against having Christmas decorations up for longer than the weeks before and after Christmas. It's a specific time of year, it's a certain feeling you get from walking into a house not normally decorated as such. A certain goofy grin settles on your face.

Or maybe Christmas should be saved for just Christmas. All the outward appearances stuff is just that. Appearance. Now, I'm not religious. I think Mary definitely got it on with Joseph and birthed Jesus and that some sort of power play was taking place when three wise political men gave this baby some gifts. Maybe Herod was trying to poison little Jesus because some psychic in his court had told him of how this kid would rock the world. Come on, have you ever smelled frankincense? And Christmas was based on a pagan holiday anyway. I mean, the time of year and all. Maybe that's why so many people don't mind all the hoopla and consumerism that's involved with Christmas today. I mean, we're all just heathens, right? Maybe that's why I'm so annoyed with everyone making a big deal about Christmas this year.

Who the F cares if you say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas? None of us are celebrating anything other than time off from our modern pagan lifestyles, so that we can spend time with our heathen relatives who gift us poisonous items like tube socks. Or worse, a nice digital camera making you feel guilty for only having gifted them $30 at Barnes and Noble.

So from me to you, hope everyone had a nice weekend and got everything they didn't need. :)